auf deutsch & in english 😘

Gosh, pure excitement at the beginning of the month 🤩 Our landlady, came 🤗
Great, I thought... I'll show her all the places I like to pee ☺️ I'll proudly show her the scrapes on the doors I conjure up when my guards lock me away again 😁 I'll show her around and push the riffraff aside carelessly 🙃
Then I'll glamour her and lovingly lick her legs 😋 Maybe she can convince Julia and Sybille to give me my due freedoms and show me a little more respect 😤 Oh, I was soooo looking forward to this and as usual, my dreams were viciously dashed 😡
They took us away 😩 awful, like in a cattle transport. I've been humiliated many times before, but this surpassed everything❗️.
Dragged into the car with Rapunzelchen, and then, off we went 🚗💨 far away.
(OK, I had an extremely great morning with Marcus on a beautiful beach 🏖 but the old bags don't need to know that).
Even my nemesis O'Malley was harnessed into a cart and dragged away 😰 Julia had him firmly in her grasp. Only our ever-cheerful princess Nala 👸🏻 ran happily after him 🤦🏻 A pitiful sight 😤
Talked about us before as if I hadn't heard it: when the landlady comes, the troublemakers have to go; they only cause stress 😡😱🥺
When we were allowed to come back, Sybille had a fat grin on her face 😲
Everything had gone wonderfully, and all the hairy noses were so sweet 😖😠
And then she said: My God, thank goodness the "worst case" scenario didn't happen- Bobbles & Co. would have been there, kick up a stink, and Bobbles would have peed on our landlady's feet.
Helllloooo, that was precisely the plan‼️😁.
But who got to stay here ⁉️ Mr Charming, Mr Handsome, Mr I'm Just Great, Mr Captain America ➡️😖 EVANS!!!!!
As a model dog 🐶 because he's always so charming 🤮 They're crazy, the girls!!!!
And he actually moved in here, IN MY HOUSE. Lying around with me in the living room and flirting with my girls 😭
Where have the good times gone 😩
Ok, I think he's pretty cool too, but shhh 😜 don't tell anyone. I'm going to copy his bedroom look a bit, hehe.
Besides, he seems to be a real bully 🤔 The two of us have become a super team to chase away the sh...mutts on the street 👏 He can rumble so beautifully 🙃
Hihi, Evans will soon get one on the roof from our keepers Julia and Sybille, too 😂
The one who is always hidden - your Bobbles ❤️🐶