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I am Meister Eder
Sybille cares for me since December 2022.
I am a boy, born approx 2014.
I was living on a road and fed by the people around me.
All my feet are deformed, I think by a short-ulna-syndrom. It´s increasingly hard to walk on the concrete, and the cars become faster and faster.
One woman brought me to the local shelter, and I met Sybille. She asked Dr Sit if I had a home; he said no, but a lovely place to stay would be fantastic. She put her arms around me, and we drove to my new home.
Meister Eder is a quiet thankful gentleman. He likes to waddling in the grass and lie in his garden house to observe all; his tail is always wagging - a charming little imp.
Adopted and MDHF member since December 2022.
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